A young robot explores the amazing world of farmers markets and delicious organic produce, trying his hardest not to vaporize innocent human lives in the process.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
goodbye little friend
it was beautiful and sweet and tiny. it was really and truly my best friend. and then it was masticated viciously by an uncaring reptile
the voracious beast was rousted appropriately, as seen in this film made by the humans.
HAHAH the first picture is so funny!!!!
Haha, the first picture sure is funny!
based on the first pic i think robots like vegetables!
Hi, just discovered your blog and stopped by.
hope you could visit mine.
Tehee, cute!!
lol. the first photo is so funny that it made me laugh out load!
This is just TOO funny!
the first picture sure is funny!
haha! this is so sweet. i love it.
thank you for the nice commeny. hope to see you there again!
have a great day!
im hungry now!
the pictures are too cute and funny.. loove loove
You have one of the most original blog...~CHARMED! Lovely & fresh vegie weekend to you!
that's hilarious !x
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